Thursday, July 3, 2014

Good Fences - 7/3/14 "Bicycle Gate at Montour Run"

Good Fences Thursday

"Bicycle Gate at Montour Run"

This is a gate blocking motorized traffic from entering the walking/biking
 at Montour Run, south of Pittsburgh.  My husband and I had driven
to that area so he could purchase tools at the closest Harbor Freight
location.  We knew it would be dark by the time we arrived home, so I
found an on-line map of trails near the Harbor Freight store so we could
walk before heading home.  I loved this gate which was made from bicycle
frames welded to other metal pieces, then painted to create this wide
swinging gate that can be opened for maintenance vehicles.
Welcome sign and trail rules.
(Click on any photo for larger views.)
One other thing I liked about
the trail was that it had water
fountains that included a
regular drinking fountain,
a spout to fill water bottles,
and also a low bowl for dogs.
(We don't have a dog, but we are
animal lovers and liked
that the park provided for pets.)

Next week I'll post photos of fences along the trail.


Unknown said...

Wow! What a neat and very cheerful gate. Thanks for sharing it.

eileeninmd said...

It is a perfect design for the gate at the bike trail! Love it! Have a happy day!

EG CameraGirl said...

That bicycle fence is amazing! I really like it!

TexWisGirl said...

that is AWESOME! how eye-catching! thanks for linking!

21 Wits said...

Totally creative idea!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Wow! well you certainly could not miss that gate without stopping and photographing it. Brilliant shot for the meme.

Karen said...

Sweet sweet gate. Great capture!

Christine said...

beautiful photos, what a great fence CJ!

Anonymous said...

Okay, you win. This is the greatest. I'll not look any further into this week's GOOD FENCES entries. Thank you for visiting my Good Ocean Fence.